United We Succeed is an advocacy organization founded to increase electoral participation in disadvantaged communities by promoting policies that encourage a more just society; universal healthcare, quality public education and increasing the minimum wage.

Helping Disadvantaged Communities
United We Succeed believes that our public policies should protect people from disadvantaged communities and help them thrive.
As President, Joe Biden has pledged to invest $640 billion over the next decade to create affordable, safe, energy efficient housing in neighborhoods with good schools and good jobs. Biden has proposed ending discriminator housing practices like redlining, creating tax credits to help Americans afford housing, funding federal rental assistance programs and increase the supply of low income housing.
Building a safe, affordable and stable housing stock will help grow communities in every State, City and community.

Economic Security
As Americans struggle with wealth inequality, United We Succeed believes that public policies should not skyrocket taxes on the middle and working classes— Biden agrees.
He has always championed an economy where every American is paid enough to support their family and to get ahead. A more inclusive economy that creates opportunities—and one that prioritizes a recovery for all families this COVID crisis

Building a Climate Resilient Energy Grid
With climate change impacting more and more Americans, especially in minority communities, United We Succeed believes that our energy strategy needs to prioritize climate resilience.
President Biden agrees and that's why he's appointed Willie Phillips to serve as Acting Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Phillips is the first African American chair in the history of the commission and his focus on reliability, environmental justice, and equity are what's needed to not only ensure the energy system is well equipped for the future, but that all Americans are protected from the threat of climate change.
United We Succeed strongly supports Phillips efforts and wants to see him appointed permanent chairman of the commission.